Address: 澳門新濠天地水舞間劇場
Tel: 853-88686767
不能錯過的驚世鉅鑄,籌畫5年、耗資超過二十億港元的驚世鉅鑄「水舞間」,由世界享負盛名的靈感創作大師 Franco Dragone特別為新濠天地度身製作。「水舞間」是遊澳門的必看節目,深受歡迎。水舞間劇院由著名的貝氏建築事務所度身打造、與Dragone場景設計師Michel Crete先生合作並創作而成,可容納2,000名觀眾。頂尖科技成就感官震撼。
「水舞間」的表演場地,是一間具有頂尖科技器材的劇院,其舞臺泳池容量破紀錄地高達370萬加侖,相等於5個奧林匹克標準泳池的容量,「水舞間」更糅合了前所未有的高難度特技表演,配上絢爛炫目的服裝及匠心獨運的空間設計,完美演繹出一個穿越時空的浪漫傳奇。 口碑轟動,反應澎湃,「水舞間」只在澳門新濠天地!
The Worlds Largest Water Extravaganza- City of Dreams and Franco Dragone Entertainment Group proudly present the world’s largest water extravaganza – The House of Dancing Water. This breathtaking show is staged in the purpose-built Dancing Water Theater which features pproximately 2,000 seats and is designed by world renowned Sandi Pei of Pei Partnership.
A Must-see Experience- The House of Dancing Water is housed in a purpose-built theater designed with many breakthroughs including a stage pool that holds a record-breaking 3.7 million gallons of water, equivalent to 5 Olympic-sized swimming pools. This state-of-the-art theater provides the setting for an epic love story and spectacular journey through time, showcasing dazzling costumes, special effects and record breaking acts never seen before in a theater.
The show is a must-see experience you’ll want to relive over and over again. Be sure to catch it, only at City of Dreams, Macau.
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